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RPL is a viable, alternative route to a full or partial qualification. Using the RPL methodology you can earn a full or partial qualification without attending training. The RPL methodology assumes that you have sufficient knowledge and prior learning to simply complete the same assessment that a person who did attend training would complete. The qualification you and the classroom learner earn is identical because the assessment is the same. All that is different is you learnt what you know practically in the workplace and they learnt it (more theoretically) in a classroom.

To see if you qualify for RPL, contact us at [email protected] today.

  • NC: Generic Management (NQF 5)

  • NC: Generic Management (NQF 5) subscription

    R1,850.00 / month and a R900.00 sign-up fee
  • NC: Generic Management – Services SETA (NQF 5)

  • NC: Generic Management – Services SETA (NQF 5) subscription

    R1,850.00 / month and a R900.00 sign-up fee