Preparing for the world of work, in a landscape that is changing rapidly, is a daunting task. How do you cope? How do you remain relevant?
With the 4th industrial revolution affecting the way the job is viewed and performed, we need to learn to remain relevant and be a product that can survive the changing marketplace.
This course outlines the basic skills that you would need to develop as an individual. Remember that each of these skills needs to be explored in more detail, but this is a great platform to launch your thinking, ask questions and establish what you are great at and what you can work on.
There is opportunity for peer review and interactions so that you can share your experiences and learn from one another. Your journey will be supported by an e-coach.
Who is this course aimed at?
This course is ideal for those of you entering the job market for the first time. Or people wanting to brush up on their workplace and life skills. If you are still a student, you should rather do our World of Learning course.