The National Further Education & Training Certificate in Banking is registered on NQF level 4. It is quality assured and awarded by BANKSETA. Chartall Business College is a BANKSETA accredited provider for this national certificate. The qualification is also approved by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) to fulfil the FAIS Fit & Proper generic education requirements for Categories I and IV.
The qualification provides successful learners with access to the Chartall Business College Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
[expand title=”Is this qualification for me?”] This qualification and the online delivery mode has been designed specifically for those employees who are newly appointed to a FAIS role or who want to enter a FAIS role in the future. The qualification covers the banking regulatory and legal environment, marketing and sales techniques, customer service and key banking products and services. Once learners have completed this National FET Certificate in Banking (NQF 4) they are able to access the higher National Certificate in Banking (NQF 5). The higher qualification then allows learners more opportunity to specialise in banking sales (it is also available from Chartall Business College as an online course).[/expand] [expand title=”How is this qualification delivered online?”]
This qualification is offered as an online learning course. (Note that face-to-face training is also offered at selected workplaces. You can request face-to-face training here.)
Chartall Business College has curated your online training material into weeks for easy access, although you can move around in the subject material if you wish. You will be allocated to an online e-lecturer who will assist you with queries, run e-tutorials and keep you on track. The course material is a combination of e-learning and pre-recorded e-lectures that you work through systematically in your own time, at your own place and in your own space. You can repeat any lesson or video at any time, which is impossible to do in class. This means you can review difficult concepts slowly and often for deeper learning and insight.
Learners who have been working in a FAIS role for over three years may apply to complete the qualification through Recognition of Prior Learning, which is simply the assessment without any training.
[expand title=”What are the entry requirements?”]
Learners must have a PC or tablet (or smart phone, but this could be too small for effective learning) with sufficient internet connectivity to download the online learning materials and view videos. Should also ideally be employed in a banking environment as a manager needs to complete workplace observations which are an essential part of your final assessment.
In addition, learners need to be proficient in English at National Senior Certificate level. A good level of computer literacy is also useful.
[/expand] [expand title=”Is this qualification accredited?”] The Further Education and Training Certificate in Banking (NQF 4) qualification is accredited and certificated by BANKSETA. It is registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) as a 120 credit qualification at NQF 4 (SAQA ID 20185 – see Chartall Business College is accredited by the BANKSETA to train and assess the qualification.[/expand] [expand title=”How will I be assessed?”] Learners are assessed using a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE). Chartall Business College has set questions and assignments that are completed over the duration of the qualification. You complete these assessments in your own time. This portfolio will be assessed by a registered assessor and feedback will be provided.
The advantage of the portfolio as a mode of assessment is that it can be used after the learning to support the learner’s CV as it showcases what they can do practically (you will need to keep a copy of it for this purpose). Learners will still need to comply with any requirements of the FSCA (such as writing Regulatory Examinations and ongoing professional development [CPD]).
[expand title=”Can I earn exemptions?”]
Chartall recognises selected internal training courses that learners may have completed with their employers in the banking sector. If internal courses you have completed are aligned to unit standards, Chartall will award unit standard exemptions for this training. You will be asked to submit your internal training records so that Chartall Business College can work out if you qualify for any exemptions.